Beaver help preserve our watershed for future generations. Won't you please give?

In the face of many challenges: Less snow pack, development and wildland fires, what is more important than supporting the wild animal that keeps the system in balance? Donate now so we can marshall the resources to meet these challenges.

Beaver help preserve our watershed for future generations.  Won't you please give? image


raised towards $5,000 goal




In the face of many challenges: Less snow pack, development and wildland fires, what is more important than supporting the wild animal that keeps the system in balance? Donate now so we can marshall the resources to meet these challenges.

Beaver are THE answer to keeping the Portneuf watershed healthy


Thank you for being part of Watershed Guardians! Since 2011, Watershed Guardians have counted beaver activity within your watershed. We have the longest continuous beaver population monitoring project in the United States.

Why? Because nobody else is advocating for this kind, peaceful and powerful animal. When our volunteers count activity, we witness both the creation of amazing watersheds and also observe the destruction of streams and habitat when they are trapped.

The fact that there are more moose, ducks, songbirds, bigger fish, and more intact functioning ecosystems is no joke, no accident. Beaver create all of these benefits without taking a single thing from us, except a little space alongside the creek. But not everyone feels this way. Idaho's paradigm for beaver evolved from years of mis-information and biological fascism that was born nearly 200 years ago when the Hudson's Bay Company sought to exterminate every single beaver as a political power move to keep Americans out of the Northwest. While the approach failed, the mindset has not. Some streams have completely lost beavers and others are holding by a thread.

Today, we face similar challenges based upon the mistaken belief that beaver are "varmits" to be wasted due to so-called conflicts such as plugging culverts, flooding roads and chopping down Aunt Edna's favorite apple trees, but by building and demonstrating effective non-lethal solutions to these minor conflicts, we can make space for beaver in our watershed. Would you like to help us further this goal? Many have, but like the beaver, we are holding by a thread.

Please consider a generous donation to Watershed Guardians and help us keep the movement for a healthy watershed alive. It's an uphill fight, but we can do it if we don't quit. With your support, we can keep going.

Thank you,

Mike Settell,

Director, Watershed Guardians

P.S. For a more meaningful impact, please consider making a monthly contribution.

"To protect, maintain, and preserve the Portneuf River Watershed, one beaver at a time."